Committe & Awards
- A. Aztiria (U. of Mondragon, Spain)
- J.C. Augusto (U. of Ulster, UK)
- D. Cook (Washington State U., USA)
Program Committee
- H. Aghajan (Stanford Uni. USA)
- M. Böhlen (State Univ. of NY, USA)
- V. Callaghan (Univ. of Essex, UK)
- J. Cassens (Norwegian Uni., Norway)
- A. Cesta (ISTC-CNR, Italy)
- M. Freed, (SRI Internacional, USA)
- K.Fujinami, (Tokyo UAT, Japan)
- B. Gottfried (Univ.Bremen, Germany)
- D. Heylen (U. of Twente, Netherlands)
- A. Kameas (CTI., Greece)
- W. Minker (U. of Ulm - Germany)
- P. Novais(U. do Minho , Portugal)
- P. Olivier (Newcastle Univ., UK)
- B. Patrick (Univ. Pierre and Marie Curie, France)
- H. Schmidtke (TECO, Germany)
- S. Sigg (Braunschweig Uni. Germany)
- A-H. Tan (Nanyang TU, Singapore)
Ph.D. Grants
The organizers of this event will seek to offer partial funding to Ph.D. students with accepted papers at our event. The quality of the submission and the financial situation of the student will be part of the selection criteria.
There will be prizes in the categories of ‘Best Paper’ and ‘Best Presentation’